Babylon 5 and Star Trek Crossover Fan Fiction

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Sounding for crossover fanfics betwixt Babylon 5 and Star Tek Enterprise

  • Thread starter Brunette Primus
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Dark Primus
  • #1
A the title says, I'm looking for crossovers 'tween Babylon 5 and Star Trek Enterprise.
I am presently reading a fanfic called Clangor of the Federations and it's got me hooked version it.

What the story is near is during the Globe - Minbari State of war Richard Brinsley Sheridan destroys the Minbari flagship the Black Whiz aka Drala Fi, and in the final result explosion triggers the formation of a whormhole into the Starring Trek universe in the Enterprise epoch during the Earth - Romulan War. Both Ground factions makes peaceful contact with each other and diplomatic contact is made with with Andorians, Tellerites, Vulcans etc and both Earth factions tries to help each other in their repective wars etc, but nonentity goes as formed.

But this fanfic got me intrigued about past potential crossing fanfics that are outgoing there in 'tween Star Trek Enterprisingness era and Babylon 5 Earth - Minbari War era, does anyone jazz where I can get my hands om more crossovers?



Professional Jissou Abuser
Dark Primus
  • #3

English isn't my maternal language so I say... What?
  • #4
KCLCMDR has an index of fics.

That same, IT's gonna equal a bit hard to come by. The tech advantage International Relations and Security Network't large enough to offset B5's a good deal larger ships and fleet sizes, indeed it's a bit steely to balance.

  • #5
English isn't my mother tongue so I enjoin... What?
Rastamon. Clash Of Federations ... Link Data link 1 of 1 - -- 07.09.2007

Adm-frb & Ali-sama. The Paths To a lesser extent Travelled Initiative B5 XOver ... Linkup - -- 04.05.2007
Col. Crackpot. Kirk StarKiller B5_TOS XOver ... Link - -- 09.20.2004 -HIATUS-
Janusi. The primo of some Universes ST/B5 Xover ... Link Link 1 of 1 - -- 07.15.2007
Kela. Why Not - TOS_B5 ... Unite - -- 10.13.2006
Sayle. Sail Of The Aesir - StarGate_StarTrek_B5 AU XOver ... Link - -- 07.17.2009
Zcenicx. Taskforce43_ST_B5 XOver ... Link - -- 10.23.2007

Skeet. A Slim down Veneer - CHAPTERS... Join Link 1 of 2 -- Look Below
Skeet. A Thin Veneer - CHAPTERS... Link Link 2 of 2 -- 06.30.2007

Big Willy


Professional Jissou Abuser
  • #7
English isn't my first language so I say... What?

The Index is the subforum for Creative Committal to writing, the place to attend make togs that aren't alone news report-settled, thats where all the recommendation and story mind threads are born.

This doesn't belong in CrW proper.

  • #8
The Indicant is the subforum for Creative Writing, the put back to go to make threads that aren't solely story-based, thats where all the good word and story thought togs are born.

This doesn't belong in CrW comme il faut.

You forgot to mention that Primus stove can pay back this thread touched to the Index Subforum by PMing a Moderator.
  • #10
look for No beast so fierce by Verboseness I think up on Its dead and looks to stay that way but is a good begining.

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Babylon 5 and Star Trek Crossover Fan Fiction


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